I'm home. Hahaha. I just came back from Hong Kong! Spent almost all five days on Kowloon Island. Shopped a lot. Went to Disneyland. T'was lots of fun! Really! It was just that the mainland people there are A TAD BIT PUSHY. Yep! Hahahahaha! Well, let's see. I bought LOADS of stuff, including Gackt CDs, Kirito's CD and live...Miyavi...etc. I LOVE HONG KONG. Almost everything there is at least a dollar to fifty cents cheaper than Singapore! Well, I'm bakc and I got myself a pair of boots too, so when I wear them out poeple on the train or just walking past me stares like 'what-the-hell-is-she-wearing'? Haha! It's so funny! Well, enough about that. I GOT NEW DRUM STICKS! They're Rikki Rockett ones. They're pretty and have nice handles. XD.
SCHOOL'S REOPENING IN A MATTER OF DAYS AND I HAVEN'T DONE ANY HOMEWORK. I'm so screwed. Mr. Kok is getting transferred! Yay! ANYWAY. Hmm. What was I about to say? Oh yes, we'll be getting a new literature teacher soon enough. YAY! Well, well, I'll leave off here. Turra. XD XD X3