I have a Japanese exam in two weeks and I haven't studied. I really dont' have much hope of passing. Really. I really don't see any reason in me continuing my course, but alas, I must, for I am learning the language for the sake of my future, should I ever get into a manga college at all. It saddens me, the fact that that hope is ever so far away...
Nevermind about my definite failure, for I could not care any less. If I have it, it's mine. If I don't, then there's no point pursuing something I will never attain. It's a "faith" thing, you know? My Sunday school teacher said that nothing happens to us wihtout a reason. I believe that, really, I do.
Now I shall drift onto my favoutrite subject.
j-rock. Or any other rock-like music genre there is out there.
I shall tell you how I have developed this strange appreciation for people who stand on stages and start screaming their hearts out trying to be heard over the guitar, drums and bass.
And so, I begin. I was exposed to rock when I was in Primary four. Quite a young age, I guess. I thought it was really cool, because it kind of involved vulgarity (I hope my parents don't read this) and stuff. The very first rock song I actually liked was "Slept so Long", by Jay Gordon, you know? The guy from ORGY? Yea, crude name, I know. And so I became so addicted to the "Queen of the Damned" soundtrack (from which I got my daily rock dose)I started to become "punk" like. Thinking it was cool and all. BUT when I enetered Secondary school, I realised that it is pretty okay not to act punk and all. You see, I never really felt comfortable to act punkish or gothic at all, I just wanted to be me. It's not easy, going to a school in which EVERYBODY judges you by what you wear when you go out and all. But then I became interested in J-rock. The very music I cannot live without now. It all started with Gackt. To tell you the truth, I thought Gackt looked a LOT like a woman the first time I saw his video "Mizarables". But then again, I like guys who look like girls. I'm not sure why, but I just find them really nice. Then I found the wonder that is Hyde. He was just really pretty, you know? I first saw him on MTV, and they said he was really good at art but was colorblind and all, so I was really interested. So I started buying their albums and then progressed from becoming a English Rock addict to a J-rock addict. And now I am re-influenced into loving English Rock, or if you would prefer: Alternative rock and punk.
Take MCR (My Chemical Romance, in case you didn't know.) for example. They're a great band that I have discovered only recently. You should listen to them sometime. Their song "Helena" just debuted the MTV hit charts a few months ago. I like their vocalist's eyes. They're so gorgeous~ But I shall not waste my time doing that, I shall continue with what I want to say. Their brand of music is GREAT, except for the occassional "f-word" and all.
Oh, and I downloaded a game called "Feeding Frenzy". It sooooooooooo cute. It's about you eating enough small fish to grow bigger, then eating bigger fish while still crunching on the smaller ones till you become the biggest fish there and are able to eat almost everything there. I guess it's kinda a game of life. If you get eaten, then it's game over. Okay, then. I shall end here and leave you with a gorgeous picture of my first love.